My tummy was rumbling and I couldn’t get into the zone unless I was nourished so I decided to take a little walk down the block to eat. On the corner, standing in the rain, was a homeless man asking for any spare change. I reached into my wallet and gave him $1.50. “Thank you. I am going to get something to eat.” Out of nowhere, I said, “Come on! Let’s go get you some food. I’ll buy you lunch!” I took him to Billy’s Gourmet Hot Dogs and bought him a hot dog and drink.

I had other plans to eat elsewhere, but as i began crossing the street, my heart just turned me back around and decided to eat lunch with him instead. “Why are you doing this miss?” I thought about that… Why wouldn’t I do that? If we have the ability to help somebody, to feed somebody when they are unable to feed themselves in their current situation, why would we NOT help?

“Corky” told me about his life growing up in Colorado, losing his mom when he was 10 and his older brother dying. He’s 64 and has never been married and doesn’t have any children. He told me his birthday is in November and I asked him where he wants to be by his next birthday. “I have no idea.” I told him to really think about it and to make it happen! Keep hope close, keep your dreams close. Move to make them happen. Anything is possible.

I was reminded of Rachael Hadley McClair‘s amazing sermon on being moved by the Holy Spirit and nourishing others when they need it. It’s hard to have hope when you don’t know where your next meal is coming from.

I was definitely moved by the Holy Spirt this lunch hour. And when church service ends and the pastor says, “Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord…” I take that seriously <3