I came home with permasmile thinking about how good God is. I was reflecting back on life over the past few years, the struggles, the heart aches, the fear,… Seeing and feeling all of the positive changes that have come into my life that couldn’t have happened if I didn’t let go and surrender, letting Him guide me. For so long I tried to do things on my own, my way. It led to frustration and heart ache. I still go through tough times but it is just so different. When I feel that anxiousness, I fall back into His loving arms and find a peace that I never knew could exist.

Things are happening that I didn’t think were possible. Healing, laughter, reconciliation. In the short term, I didn’t see change and I felt frustrated but looking back I see that in God’s time, the story unfolds so beautifully. God loves us right where we are, in our mess, in our sin, in our confusion… He meets us, ready to guide us, we just have to open our hearts to see. Lord, thank you for your infinite amount of love, grace, mercy and beauty.

Thank you for wrapping us up in your loving arms, unconditionally. I love you with all my heart, soul and mind and am forever yours. In Jesus name ❤️