Lately, I’ve been connected to some absolutely incredible brothers and sisters in Christ that have helped me / shared with me / guided me / taught me in my own walk with God. Ryan Soriano shared this message on his social media and it is powerful.
Sometimes I get the feeling that people don’t think that they are loved and they aren’t good enough.. Ryan’s message really speaks the #TRUTH about God’s love for us!
“Whether you know Him or not, He knows you. He loves YOU. He adores you because you are His child. And all He wants for you in this life is to realize how completely immeasurable His love is for you.
It was never about rules. It was never about being perfect. It’s not about striving or earning or pretending to be okay.
It’s about being radically changed by a God who knows everything about you. A God who’s not afraid of your mess and is right there, right next to you, when you call on Him. He meets you right where you are. You don’t have to clean yourself up – you just have to let Him into your heart. He is the more. He is the Love that you’re looking for.
Nothing touches my soul more than when you raise your hand to make that decision. The decision to start that relationship with Him.
It’s the same decision that has changed my life. Forever.
#love #jesus #redrockschurch”