Brandi Shigley

Hello! Bonjour! Hola!

My name is Brandi Shigley. For far too long, I have had my faith in my back pocket, in the ol’ pair of jeans hidden in a box in the back of my closet. I realized a couple of years ago that I am not being true to who I am by hiding my love of God. I took that part of my heart out of the closet and now wear it on my sleeve, walking with Jesus, diving into the Word and loving freely.

This website is designed to share my walk and journey along this sometimes difficult path. Eventually, I want it to be a platform for many to share their journeys. But for now, I’ll share interviews with others, thoughts in my mind, and what I continue to learn.

Brandi Shigley


Richard Rohr at Highlands Church

What an amazing evening it was to see Richard Rohr (Franciscan author and teacher, founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, NM.) speak at Highlands Church on Thursday. I learned about Richard Rohr when my book club read the book Immortal Diamond and the words resonated with my soul.  Listen here....

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Lunchbreak conversations: The Trinity

Last week, I had an eye opening conversation with a stranger on the street talking about our journeys with God, the trinity, and Jesus. I couldn't stop thinking about that conversation and had to discuss what I had heard with my fellow Green Space friends from Elevate Advertising. Being able to discuss ideas, theology, and God with people really helps me process things. What an wonderful conversation! You just never know what you learn throughout your day! Have an open heart in conversations and you just may be transformed!

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Interview with Deedee Vicory

I have had the honor to know this amazing woman for many years through the fashion industry! Deedee Vicory, brains behind The Wedding Seamstress and D'Lola Couture has continued to inspire me (and the world) with her creativity, brilliance in business, family life, and her strength in God. What an absolute joy it was to spend the evening at her studio. To spend time with her daughters and Deedee, felt like I was wrapped up in a love cocoon. Get a behind the scenes studio tour and meet her daughters.... Listen to our conversation over dinner....  

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New friends

I am so inspired and excited to get 2017 underway building He Is Good! By the way, I named this website after "Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good" Psalm 107. I was about 5 years old and I remember saying this to my parents. It was my favorite verse. I don't even know when I learned it, but I remember being a child and loving these words. I just got back from the mountains on a 3 day adventure for New Years. It was such a gift to hang out with new people, people that I haven't met, people that I haven't had an extended hang out session with. It was a quite an experience to be around different personalities, each making up our uniqueness. One of the women that I hung out with used to be a devout Christian, even planting a church, leading BIBLE studies, and so much more. Something changed in her journey and she told me she is pretty much an atheist now. I shared a little bit of my story with her, telling her about how I have come back to my faith, and come back even stronger,...

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Jesus Speaks To Me

The night the Holy Spirit told me to move forward with my heart. In my planner / journal, December 15th, God was in my dreams the night before. I nurtured my brother sending him off to work with Love. I packed him a lunch and got the coffee ready for him so when he woke up, he could just grab n' go! And I decorated his lunch bag with hearts 🙂 Wore a lipstick color that I really love. Woke up in the middle of the night, getting the wheels turning for Then that night, I went caroling my my church. I had brought a big bag of jackets, mittens, and hats for anyone who may need them. Amen! It was a gorgeous night out! We hardly even needed jackets! I left my bag of warmth at the church, on a table, in a corner. When I came home to unpack the bag, these gold wings were in my bag. I asked my friend if he had put them there and he hadn't. I take it as a little "hello, I love you" from The Lord. Last night at my parent's house, I bought the domain and...

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It’s happening….and kind of uncomfortable

Today I reached out to different friends that have really inspired me on my journey and walk with Jesus. Geesh... even when I type "walk with Jesus" I feel nerdy.  It's like I'm embarrassed to be a follower of Jesus. Kind of like how I just don't quite have the confidence to lift my hands in praise, even though my heart is flying out of my body. I'm not embarrassed. It's just a step outside my comfort zone to be so open about my faith. Not only open, but really desiring to share. Anyway, I look forward to learning from this website. To teach myself while processing and learning scripture and sharing my journey. I'm excited to share this journey with my fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ.  Even that makes me feel kind of squeamish when I say or write that! Being a Christian sometimes feels uncomfortable.  

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It came to me in the middle of the night

Last week, as I began to drift into a deep sleep, I was suddenly awoken by the Holy Spirit, whispering into my heart and telling me that it is time to make THE idea happen. The idea that has been sitting in the back of my mind and soul, waiting for a time when I was ready to begin this new journey. My mind began to race with inspiration, thinking of the people in my life who have brought me to the point that I'm at in my walk with God. I thought of everything that my heart has been longing to do but didn't quite know that it was ready to do. And so, it begins, tonight... as I build a platform in which I can share my journey, lessons, inspiration, and testimony, following Jesus. Constantly learning and applying what I learn to every day life. My goal is to have this be a platform for artists, musicians, designers, film makers, and other creative dreamers and doers to share their testimonies and journeys with God. This is just the beginning....

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