1. There are 5 gospels in the Bible… Matthew, Mark, Luke, John… and YOU! How are you bringing the Good news through your actions and words?

It’s one thing to believe, but it’s another thing to act on your beliefs. I could say that I’m a Christian and go to church every Sunday, but is that really being a Christian? Am I really following in the footsteps of Jesus just by giving myself a label?

  1. Jesus put  together a banquet in the snap of his fingers! (Referring to of course, the “Feeding of the multitude“).

When we are feeling like we need help, sometimes the last person that we think of to help us is God! Duh!!!!

I’m going to start writing down what I pray about. My worries, concerns, gratitudes. When I think about my worries and concerns, looking back, my prayers have always been answered. It might not be on MY timing, but in His timing.