A week ago today, my mom went into the ER with what we now know to be a fractured pelvis. The fire department and ambulance came to get her down our 14 stairs, into the ambulance and to the hospital.  That following Monday, she was going to get some more tests done so she can start on a trial for the cancer that she has been going through since 2012, but instead, this happened.

Needless to say, this week has been stressful.

Feeling a bit depleted today, I decided to take a much needed break away from life. After church, I canceled my plans and decided to nestle in my humble abode and take care of me. For me, my peace is when I’m listening to sermons and organizing. It’s my favorite. My mind and heart tune into God while simultaneously, my shelves become organized. It’s a win win all around!

Yesterday, while scrolling through my Instagram feed, I came across this and had to repost…

Brandi Shigley Faith

If you don’t know the story of Elijah, definitely learn! Chad Bruegman of Red Rocks Church, gave a sermon of this story and it is one that I revisit often!

So, while organizing the cupboards in my bathroom, I listened to Sermon #1:

A couple days ago, I heard a statistic that our society is the most depressed and sad it’s ever been. And I can see why! We live in a dark place. I don’t even want to go into why it’s dark, but it is.

And sometimes, it can be hard to simply, turn on the light.

This sermon truly sheds light on the light and is another sermon that I listen to frequently.

Let There Be Light: In Your Imagination

#2 Sermon I listened to while cleaning my bathroom
Doug Wekenmen of Red Rocks Church

Let There Be Light: In Your Imagination from Red Rocks Church Services on Vimeo.

What do you do for quiet time? How do you get your “me time”? Most often I find that I just need to get into the word, be spiritually fed, and then my heart meter goes up tenfold!