Where are you with your walk with the Lord?

Well, if I can be honest. I’ll dodge trucks to go hang out on the other side of the street with Jesus, but then I’ll be like, “I gotta get back to the other side of the street. It’s my comfort zone. I’m not ready to commit.”

That was one of the best ways that I have heard describing a walk with the Lord.

I had said something like, “Is Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior?” I was saying that in a mildly sarcastic but totally real way. I never would have thought those words would come out of my mouth, here I am, 45 years-old, and feeling it with every ounce of my being.

Well, is He?

It opened up one heck of a conversation. We talked about what it meant to commit to following the Lord… In my opinion, walking with the Lord and committing to walking with him doesn’t mean you have to always be perfect, but turn away from your sins, and walk with Him, right where you are, even if it’s on the other side of the street.

The conversation was so good, yet, I can’t quite capture it in a post!

Sometimes, I get so overwhelmed with the thought of writing down a thought, that I just don’t write it down, even though I wish I did.

Maybe I can do a podcast and have my friend on and we can talk about what we talked about tonight.